XCM Component to VGA Review
It’s astounding as time goes on that popular products, such as the XRGB line, become harder and harder to find. Even older versions. People are wising up to the beautiful picture one can get with a fine upscaling device. The days of the universal composite to VGA converter are happily coming to an end as […]
USB Cell + Wiimote Review
The ultimate in geek batteries, USB powered AA cells, meets the Nintendo Wiimote head on. If you haven’t had a chance to check out USB Cell Batteries then take a second to have a look. Essentially they’re rechargeable batteries that you can plug into a standard NiMH charger or a free USB port. They run […]
Nectaris on Wii VC
NFG’s Patron Saint of Strategy Games, Military Madness, hits stateside next week. Audible waves of angst from Australia expected to coincide. According to a barely cryptic message on the Hudson forums, Wii owners will soon be blessed with Nectaris on the Virtual Console. While many, myself included, hold the cost of the Virtual Console games […]
Send Anonymous Email To My Wii – I subject myself to hell for the greater good.
Wiimail at you! While the Wii is in its infancy, people sending cute little messages to one another is still a good deal of fun. The only problem is the hoops that Nintendo makes you jump through in order to communicate with other people (registering each other’s “friend code” or email registration). So as an […]
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