[ Apr 5 2013 ]

WonderBoy Sprite History

This is one of a series of articles about sprite histories (see: Mario, Sonic, Castlevania, Bonk, and MegaMan). There’s an updated version of this page right here!

[ Mar 24 2013 ]

Chinese hackers ate my PC

That time China hacked my computer.

[ Mar 20 2013 ]

Best game cover ever?

Is this the best game cover ever? I think it just might be.

[ Mar 15 2013 ]

Donkey Kong and Sprite Hacking

I could just as well have titled this post Historical Revisionism in Video Games… I used to play devil’s advocate without considering my words first. I’d rage against anyone and anything that seemed to be putting forth ideas I didn’t like, and I didn’t care if anyone was upset by it. Now I’m older, and […]

[ Mar 7 2013 ]

The problem with Zen Pinball

There aren’t many companies making pinball games, and fewer that are basically only pinball creators. Zen Studios do make other games, but they’re secondary (and basically irrelevant) compared to their pinball offerings. They take pinball seriously, and they make games that successfully walk the fine line between sim and game: serious enough that they’re basically […]

[ Mar 5 2013 ]

Real Racing 3, In-App Purchases, EA and CliffyB

The internet is a funny thing. Where else can you read about people you’ve never met talking about games you’d never play and then participate in the conversation as if somehow it has anything to do with you? Anyway, a few days ago Cliff Bleszinski (aka CliffyB) was epic trolling, and made a few ridiculous […]

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[ Mar 5 2013 ]

Stupid Stupid Stupid

The police clusterfuckery here is just staggering. Someone mis-heard Fresh Prince lyrics on a voicemail recording in Pennsylvania, and a student was arrested, held for three hours because they thought the song said he was going to go on a shooting rampage.

[ Mar 3 2013 ]

Nichijou – Utter Insanity

As mentioned previously I’ve been ill, and spending a lot of time watching things I normally wouldn’t have time for. Like Youtube. It’s there that I stumbled across an AMV (go watch it, I’ll wait) that mixes one of my favourite songs with scenes from what appeared to be the most insane anime I’ve ever […]

[ Mar 3 2013 ]

Tron Uprising

I’ve been sick with the flu, and when I’m not regretting being born, I’ve been watching a lot of TV. Downloading it, mostly, ’cause most of what’s on the actual TV is pretty amazingly bad. While scouring the ol’ HDD, I found a few old Tron Uprising vids and fed them into the queue. I’d […]

[ Feb 21 2013 ]

The Case of the Missing Neo Geo Pocket Thingy

When the Neo Geo Pocket system came out SNK released two games that were almost completely unsuited to the silly little thumb-stick it used for primary input: Crush Roller and Pac Man. These two games included a little plastic ring that prevented the user from hitting any diagonals, because the wobbly little stick made playing […]

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