Donkey Kong and Sprite Hacking
I could just as well have titled this post Historical Revisionism in Video Games… I used to play devil’s advocate without considering my words first. I’d rage against anyone and anything that seemed to be putting forth ideas I didn’t like, and I didn’t care if anyone was upset by it. Now I’m older, and […]
The problem with Zen Pinball
There aren’t many companies making pinball games, and fewer that are basically only pinball creators. Zen Studios do make other games, but they’re secondary (and basically irrelevant) compared to their pinball offerings. They take pinball seriously, and they make games that successfully walk the fine line between sim and game: serious enough that they’re basically […]
Real Racing 3, In-App Purchases, EA and CliffyB
The internet is a funny thing. Where else can you read about people you’ve never met talking about games you’d never play and then participate in the conversation as if somehow it has anything to do with you? Anyway, a few days ago Cliff Bleszinski (aka CliffyB) was epic trolling, and made a few ridiculous […]
The Case of the Missing Neo Geo Pocket Thingy
When the Neo Geo Pocket system came out SNK released two games that were almost completely unsuited to the silly little thumb-stick it used for primary input: Crush Roller and Pac Man. These two games included a little plastic ring that prevented the user from hitting any diagonals, because the wobbly little stick made playing […]
Star Wars Pinball
Zen Studios has announced Star Wars Pinball which might actually be the best-ever use of the license.
Bullet Hell on Android is Hell
Cave, one of the last Japanese developers still making shooters, has eight titles for the iPhone, and two for Android, which they didn’t even release themselves. Rather, they farmed them out to G-Gee by GMO who – for a long time – did a very shitty job of actually making them available for sale. First […]
MegaDrive Review: Herzog Zwei
Originally published on NFGGames in 2001, updated in 2008 for Insomnia and, I think, destined for the one-issue-and-dead GameGo magazine… ‘Herzog Zwei’ means “Dukes Two” in German, the title indicating not only that this is a two-player game, but that it’s also the sequel to Herzog, an even more obscure title for the Japanese MSX […]
Ten Year Repost: Ai Cho Aniki
From way back in 2003, a game that’s very possibly the strangest you’ve ever seen: Ai Cho Aniki, a shooter with Street-Fighter moves, and some staggeringly homosexual overtones.
Remaking Street Fighter
So Capcom’s remaking their seminal beat-em-up with all-new high-def graphics for the XBox 360 Live Arcade. It’s gonna be the same gameplay we know and love with a glorious new skin. But Capcom’s not alone in doing a Street Fighter remix. While the PC Engine version of Street Fighter 2: CE was the best looking […]
Famicom Disk System Manual
It’s a sad truth that modern manuals don’t encourage consumers to learn technical things about the stuff they buy. Back in the day if you bought a home computer it’d have a description of every connector, a copy of BASIC and a brief programming guide. Now you’re lucky if there’s room to describe the power […]
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