The Death of E3 – For Better or Worse?
The death of E3 has been predicted for a while by some, but now that it’s happened (And despite their claims of restructuring and refocusing it might as well be dead for most of us) the general consensus is that it was a good thing. I wonder if perhaps they’re missing the point. Larger publishers […]
Some slightly more up to date arcade news
Afterburner Climax (which is either Sega’s new arcade game or a jet powered vibrator) is currently on public location test in Club Sega Shinjuku in Japan until the 12th Feb. If you can make it there it’s probably worth a look on the off chance it’s not an arcade game. According to the ever elusive […]
Greetings (and arcade goings on…)
So, I’m Toby from System16, NFG’s talked me into posting at his site so I better actually post something before he shows the photos of me, the milk, the llama and the shower. I’ve probably crossed that invisible line again haven’t I? Anyway, on with some game news I suppose, you’re going to have to […]
H2O’s Phear brochure – full text
Did you know Tetrisphere was originally destined for the Atari Jaguar?
Trials and Tribulations
The other day I had a hankering for some Street Fighter. I don’t actually have Street Fighter for any consoles, so my options were limited to emulation or dragging out some arcade gear and playing it for reals. I decided on the latter – emulation doesn’t compare to the real thing, and after all, I’m […]
Overclocking the PCEngine
RobIvy has thrown a faster clock into his PCEngine and, apparently, it was a success. Games run faster, but so does the sound. A marginal increase in speed reduces slowdown in some games without raising the pitch too much. Very interesting!
Tetrisphere, the Jaguar and the Nintendo 64
Back when the Nintendo 64 was new and the Jag was still clinging to life, I was at CES. This would have been January 1995. Atari was flush with cash from a settlement with Sega, I believe over Atari’s game controller patents. I asked the guy at Atari how the money from Sega was affecting […]
It looks a little odd.
This is a screenshot from Art of Fighting 2, a decent little brawler from SNK for their now-venerable Neo Geo system. The screenshot has been enhanced to isolate the characters, but has not been otherwise modified. The two characters are brother and sister, the story goes. In this screenshot I can’t help but project some […]
NFG Book: The first review!
UK magazine Advanced Photoshop has reviewed the NFG book and has apparently been bribed into giving it a 5/5 rating, saying “…there’s inspiration galore here for you and although it may be out of your usual book budget, it’s well worth a splurge.” What were they thinking? I’m gonna go out on a limb and […]
The Samsung Saturn Revisited
You may remember an older writeup I did on the elusive, nearly mythical Samsung Saturn. I recently received a pair of additional units, and after having had a look at them there are definitely new things to learn. The two biggest things of interest are:1. Not all of them have the Japanese-language option disabled from […]
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