[ Mar 17 2019 ]

Face Blindness

A friend of mine discovered, as an adult, that she’s been face blind her whole life. It was a remarkable and powerful discovery.

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[ Oct 1 2006 ]

It’s Rex, the amazing Cancer Dog!

dogs are 99% and 88% accurate at smelling and detecting lung and breast cancer, respetively, in human patients.

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[ Sep 8 2005 ]

Gastric Atony

Gastric Atony is a condition where the stomach is far lower than normal, and quite stretched as a result of it.

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[ Oct 20 2004 ]

Lights at night linked to cancer

Apparently bright lights with blue content will signal the body to produce less melatonin, which can allow cancer to grow more rapidly.

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[ Oct 11 2004 ]

I am a goldfish.

I am a goldfish.
