[ Jul 17 2024 ]

Seimitsu’s Alutimo Buttons

Seimitsu’s new Alutimo buttons are the best I’ve ever used. The caveats only come into play when one swaps out the Cherry MX switch inside the button.

[ Jun 21 2024 ]

Rediscovering: Old joysticks

In 2024, joystick maker Seimitsu’s catalogue starts at part number LS-32. In the 80s, they made a rotating ‘loop lever’ joystick, used in SNK’s Ikari Warriors arcade games, which was the LS-30. But I recently found a joystick that has a lower part number than that, and it doesn’t seem like it exists on the internet. Which is interesting!

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[ Feb 3 2024 ]

Updated: Sega Arcade Wiring Pinouts Page

I updated the GameSX Sega arcade pinouts page, adding the 3-pin coin input connector on Naomi and Net City cabs.

[ Jan 8 2024 ]

KEIKOU Control Panel

I bought a New Astro City cabinet that needed a lot of work on the control panel. I stripped it down, got the rust off, primed and painted it, then added a custom dark overlay and installed Seimitsu’s KEIKOU (fluorescent) buttons and Bulett knobs. It’s hard to photograph but it looks gorgeous in person.

[ Jan 2 2024 ]

3D Printing: Credit buttons for arcade cabs

I recently picked up a 3D printer, after borrowing one for a few days and having a great time with with it. My second project is a pair of coin input mechanisms for SNK and Sega arcade cabinets.

[ Jan 2 2024 ]

Arcade Control Panels and Etc

I’ve been getting back into my arcade bullshit lately, and I’ve started putting together a little repository of information about control panels, joysticks and adaptors for them. There’s a page on the wiki which will lead you to all the details.

[ May 29 2023 ]

Taito Egret II Mini Joystick

Taito’s Egret Mini II Console has an optional joystick, and it’s a modern wonder. New and excellent mechanism, and solid construction.

[ Dec 29 2022 ]

Arcade Cab Update

I’ve been tinkering a bit more under the hood of my Sega Naomi cabinet. Honestly, and I’m not proud of this, I spend way more time fucking with the wiring than I do playing games.

[ Nov 12 2022 ]

Fixing R-Type LEO

The sound on my R-Type LEO arcade board went a little funny, and this is the tale of how I fixed it.

[ Nov 12 2022 ]

Fixing a Neo Geo MVS Board

I recently picked up an arcade cabinet and so I was pulling all my arcade games out of storage. I was somewhat surprised to find that some of them didn’t work right anymore, including my Neo Geo MV-1F board.

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