Tecmo sues game hackers
According to several sites, The US arm of Tecmo has sued a group of game hackers for, essentially, making nude codes. Tecmo has sued people for playing with games they legally own in a way Tecmo doesn’t approve of. This is ludicrous. The Register has more. In a surprisingly coincidental move, Taiwan’s Foam Max Enterprises […]
WoW made me sad.
When World of Warcraft came out I was hyped. I plopped for the deluxe set with the deluxe case and the collector’s hardcover book and cloth map and soundtrack and I was hyped when it finally arrived. I was ready for it and I was completely enraptured with it. At first it was everything I […]
Gastric Atony
Gastric Atony is a condition where the stomach is far lower than normal, and quite stretched as a result of it.
Something else to read
While I’m busy unpacking my 50 boxes of games I lugged from Japan to Australia and can’t be bothered to put up the endless pages of fun stuff I’ve got percolating I invite you to read YouAllBoreMe, a whiny livejournal a friend of mine has inflicted upon the world. This month he’s reviewing one MegaDrive […]
I have a problem
My mind does a lot of processing on a subconscious level. In the background there’s a lot of mental shit going on that I am unaware of. It manifests itself in different ways – the sudden burst of creativity or the revelation of a long-standing problem’s solution. It also, and this causes me no end […]
Life in Australia
So far so good. It’s been three weeks today since we arrived in Brisbane. So far it’s been nothing but entertaining, despite some troubles with the new celphone. ProTip: Motorola sucks. Australians have a strange habit of shortening words and/or adding -o to the end of them. Service stations become servos, vehicle registration becomes rego, […]
Moving sucks (continued…) – So yeah, it doth suxx0r
We’re still in the process of preparing for the move and things are progressing apace. Today Off House (part of the network of stores that includes Hard Off, Book Off and others) is coming to check out our Fridge, Dryer, Kotatsu (A coffee-table-alike with a heater underneath it for warming the legs in winter), bookshelf […]
Nothing to see here
As some of the more observant have noticed, I redesigned the site. No content was lost, but the old design is gone forever and not archived (sorry). It’s all ’cause I have no new content, so I’m faking you out with a cosmetic rearrange (sorry). Here’s a very old proto NFG Games article, Sega CD […]
Marios. 64.
This is really awesome. 64 Mario sprites remade. Do check it out. Thanks to elend for the link. See also: Mario Sprite History.
Australia, again.
So here we are, living in Australia. I’m working at my dad’s office. Currently I’m putting together web templates for his customers to select from, in order to minimize the design work we have to do. Typically this work is never ending, with tweaks and adjustments and misunderstandings stretching on for months, and I aim […]
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